Unveiling JavaScript: Constants

Unveiling JavaScript: Constants


JavaScript constants, declared using the const keyword (introduced in ES6), are variables whose values cannot be reassigned after initialization. They provide a mechanism to ensure data integrity and prevent accidental modifications.

Declaring Constants:

The syntax for declaring a constant is straightforward:


const constantName = value;
  • constantName: Choose a meaningful name that reflects the constant's purpose.

  • value: The initial value assigned to the constant.

Key Points:

  • Initialization is Mandatory: You must assign a value to a constant during its declaration.

  • Immutable Reference: While you can't reassign the constant itself, you can modify the contents of arrays or objects referenced by a constant (explained later).



const PI = 3.14159;
const MAX_VALUE = 100;

console.log("PI:", PI);   // Output: PI: 3.14159

Block Scope:

Like let, constants have block scope. This means they are only accessible within the code block where they are declared (e.g., if statement, loop, or function body).


  const x = "John";

// x is not accessible here

Redeclaration and Reassignment:

  • Redeclaration: You cannot redeclare a constant with the same name within the same block.

  • Reassignment: Once assigned, a constant's value cannot be changed using the assignment operator (=).

Constant Arrays and Objects:

While you cannot reassign the reference of a constant array or object, you can modify their contents:


const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];

fruits[0] = "mango"; // Update element at index 0
fruits.push("grape");  // Add element to the end

console.log(fruits); // Output: ["mango", "banana", "orange", "grape"]

Constant vs. Let:

ScopeBlock scopeBlock scope
RedeclarationNot allowed in the same blockNot allowed in the same block
ReassignmentNot allowedAllowed

Best Practices:

  • Use const by default for variables that should remain constant throughout your program.

  • Choose clear and descriptive names for constants.

  • If you need to modify the contents of a collection (array or object), consider using let to declare the variable referencing the collection.

By effectively using constants, you can write more reliable and predictable JavaScript code.